Create interactive videos enhanced with content.                                                                     Boost your business and digital presence!       

Go Digital!                        
Go Hypermedia!

                                                  Create interactive videos enhanced with content and achieve your goals                                                             with your presentations, tutorials, classes, assessments, marketing messages and more

Create powerful interactive videos with HypermediaLAB
– Evolve your conventional videos into hypermedias 

Customize your videos with interactive content, grabbing your audience attention
– boost your brand and your digital presence –

Añade archivos
Añade presentaciones
Añade cuestionarios
Añade enlaces
Añade otros vídeos
Other videos
Añade más contenidos
And much more!

Create hypermedias in just 4 steps

Diseño creativo

Creative design

  • Templates and themes to create interactive videos
  • Customize your video with headers, signoffs, music and more
  • Add your brand or logo
Filmación profesional para tu vídeo interactivo

Professional filming

  • Self record, upload videos, edit sound and more
  • Use the teleprompter like a professional speaker
  • Video library for recording selfies and multi-captures
Contenidos interactivos

Interactive content

  • Gamify the experience with buttons to websites, videos , social media and more content
  • Add files, quizzes, pop-up ads, key messages, images and more within your interactive video
Integración simple

Simple integration

  • Embed your hypermedia into your website, Campus-LMS and social media through URL, iFrame and SCORM package
  • Customizable video libraries for your courses, training sessions

Your hypermedia experience starts here!

Change your life, innovate your story
– Interactive storytelling –

Terry McLean

Business coach (ICC)

Aurora García Alcalde

Educational and business coach

Use cases

helping people from all over the world to create powerful and immersive interactive videos 


Share knowledge with your team, partners, stakeholders and more

Interactive videos self-produced by technicians and experts: tutorials, instructions and guidelines for knowledge management in organizations


Welcome the evolution of your courses and empower faculty and students

Easy and immediate self-production of classes, tutorials, online courses with interactive formats. Also empower students to report on their assignments and projects


An interactive experience for the new normal

Self-production of interactive videos with instructions, classes, tutorials, best practices, processes, project reports, tips and more!


Increase audience engagement, brand recall, purchase intent and return on investment

Shoppable videos for your audience and interactive formats for commercial, distribution and consumer networks. Self-production of campaigns, guides, tips, tutorials and more


What people say about HypermediaLAB

“Working with interactive videos has made me stand out among other coaches.”

Sarah, Teacher
Sarah, Teacher

CEO & founder

Testimonios HypermediaLAB
Testimonios HypermediaLAB
Testimonios HypermediaLAB

A comprehensive and global solution for everyone

Vídeos interactivos para el Banco Mundial
Vídeos interactivos para Naciones Unidas
Vídeos interactivos para el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Vídeos interactivos para la OEA


Cámara de Madrid

Customize HypermediaLAB to your brand and organization

You can customize all of HypermediaLAB to your corporate image.
Your web environment, video libraries, branded hypermedia videos, EVERYTHING, driving your digital presence

©2021 HypermediaLAB